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How to install ZIP files - PDF Format

How to install ZIP files - PDF Format

I have made a quick tutorial to help those who are having problems getting downloaded ZIP files to install correctly. Hope it helps.

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Added: 22 Jun 2013Downloads: 1698Likes: 26


My items are not to be used on the Second Life website. They have recently changed their TOS and are legally able to take/steal anything uploaded and resell/redistribute the items.

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May God give you long life...and i so mean it!
03 Mar 2020 14:13 - michelle mwina

26 Nov 2017 14:42 - mddgunarathna

This tutorial is the same which ever Operating System you are using.
14 May 2017 07:53 - Wilmap

Hi Wilmap, you've done dome great stuff here well done. Any chance you could re-do the Zip File tutorial for Windows 10 please. Thanks.
12 May 2017 12:53 - Cat_Dancing

TYVM :) I am new to Daz & I am currently taking online classes to re-educate my self due to a accident that left me physically disabled, I plan on reading ALL of ur tutorials they look very simple to use for a NEWbie like my self. I have not seen any NEW post here. I hope that you still respond :). I may have some questions for you as i read ur tutorials :).. have a good day.. n tyvm again.
23 Jan 2017 15:17 - phynixtyger

I sent you a reply to your e-mail. Yes they will all work in DS4.7 If you have installed everything correctly you should find items under Genesis/G2F or G2M/Clothing/Pusey Designs/name of item. They should also appear in Smart content under Wardrobe.
22 Jan 2015 11:56 - Wilmap

Having followed the instruction I still can not find the items. Do these files work with DAZ studio 4.7?
21 Jan 2015 16:17 - Iain607

I know how to ownload and unzip files into DAZ but I can't find the beret.
21 Dec 2014 16:06 - norriebland

Hello, I know how to download zip products but after I dont know what to do with it? I mean how and where to install it in my daz library? Have a great day!
23 Sep 2014 20:10 - dianeperfum

Thank you this will be very helpful
10 Sep 2014 11:17 - Spirit_Au

Just an old retired soldier here messing with DAZ for something to do. I'm disable, 63 yrs old and hate to watch TV, Living on a fix income is for the birds, so anything free to play with on DAZ helps a lot. Thanks for sharing. Michael Clevenger
08 Sep 2014 21:55 - oldmanalterego